Source code for lazyflow.utility.pathHelpers

#   lazyflow: data flow based lazy parallel computation framework
#       Copyright (C) 2011-2014, the ilastik developers
#                                <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# See the files LICENSE.lgpl2 and LICENSE.lgpl3 for full text of the
# GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 and 3 respectively.
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import os

[docs]class PathComponents(object): """ Provides a convenient access to path components of a combined external/internal path to a dataset. Also, each of the properties listed below is writable, in which case ALL properties are updated accordingly. """ # Only files with these extensions are allowed to have an 'internal' path HDF5_EXTS = ['.ilp', '.h5', '.hdf5']
[docs] def __init__(self, totalPath, cwd=None): """ Initialize the path components. :param totalPath: The entire path to the dataset, including any internal path (e.g. the path to an hdf5 dataset). For example, ``totalPath='/some/path/to/file.h5/with/internal/dataset'`` :param cwd: If provided, relative paths will be converted to absolute paths using this arg as the working directory. """ self._externalPath = None self._externalDirectory = None self._filename = None self._filenameBase = None self._extension = None self._internalPath = None self._internalDatasetName = None self._internalDirectory = None self._cwd = cwd self._init(totalPath, cwd) self._initialized = True
def _init(self, totalPath, cwd): ext = None extIndex = -1 if cwd is not None: absPath, relPath = getPathVariants(totalPath, cwd) totalPath = absPath # convention for Windows: use "/" totalPath = totalPath.replace("\\","/") # For hdf5 paths, split into external, extension, and internal paths for x in self.HDF5_EXTS: if totalPath.find(x) > extIndex: extIndex = totalPath.find(x) ext = x # Comments below refer to this example path: # /some/path/to/file.h5/with/internal/dataset if ext is not None: self._extension = ext # .h5 parts = totalPath.split(ext) # Must deal with pathological filenames such as /path/to/file.h5_with_duplicate_ext.h5 while len(parts) > 2: parts[0] = parts[0] + ext + parts[1] del parts[1] self._externalPath = parts[0] + ext # /some/path/to/file.h5 self._internalPath = parts[1].replace('\\', '/') # /with/internal/dataset self._internalDirectory = os.path.split(self.internalPath)[0] # /with/internal self._internalDatasetName = os.path.split(self.internalPath)[1] # dataset else: # For non-hdf5 files, use normal path/extension (no internal path) (self._externalPath, self._extension) = os.path.splitext(totalPath) self._externalPath += self._extension self._internalPath = None self._internalDatasetName = None self._internalDirectory = None self._externalDirectory = os.path.split(self._externalPath)[0] # /some/path/to self._filename = os.path.split(self._externalPath)[1] # file.h5 self._filenameBase = os.path.splitext(self._filename)[0] # file def __setattr__(self, attr, value): """ This prevents us from accidentally writing to a non-existant attribute. e.g. if the user tries to say components.fIlEnAmE = 'newfile.h5', raise an error. """ if hasattr(self, '_initialized'): # Attempt to get the old attribute first oldval = getattr(self, attr) object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
[docs] def totalPath(self): """ Return the (reconstructed) totalPath to the dataset. """ total = self.externalPath if self.internalPath: total += self.internalPath return total
# # Getters # @property def externalPath(self): """ Example: ``/some/path/to/file.h5`` """ return self._externalPath @property def externalDirectory(self): """ Example: ``/some/path/to`` """ return self._externalDirectory @property def filename(self): """ Example: ``file.h5`` """ return self._filename @property def filenameBase(self): """ Example: ``file`` """ return self._filenameBase @property def extension(self): """ Example: ``.h5`` """ return self._extension @property def internalPath(self): """ Example: ``/with/internal/dataset`` """ return self._internalPath @property def internalDatasetName(self): """ Example: ``/dataset`` """ return self._internalDatasetName @property def internalDirectory(self): """ Example: ``/with/internal`` """ return self._internalDirectory # # Setters # @externalPath.setter def externalPath(self, new): assert new[-1] != '/' if self._internalPath: self._init(new + self._internalPath, self._cwd) else: self._init(new, self._cwd) @externalDirectory.setter def externalDirectory(self, new): new_external = os.path.join(new, self._filename) self.externalPath = new_external @filename.setter def filename(self, new): new_external = os.path.join(self._externalDirectory, new) self.externalPath = new_external @filenameBase.setter def filenameBase(self, new): new_external = os.path.join(self._externalDirectory, new + self._extension) self.externalPath = new_external @extension.setter def extension(self, new): assert (not self._internalPath) or (new in self.HDF5_EXTS), \ "This PathComponents has an internal path ({}), but you are "\ "attempting to assign a non-hdf5 extension to it ({})"\ .format(self._internalPath, new) new_external = os.path.join(self._externalDirectory, self._filenameBase + new) self.externalPath = new_external @internalPath.setter def internalPath(self, new): assert self._extension in self.HDF5_EXTS, \ "Can't set an internal path on a filename with extension {}".format(self._extension) if new: self._init(self._externalPath + new, self._cwd) else: self._init(self._externalPath, self._cwd) @internalDatasetName.setter def internalDatasetName(self, new): new_internal = os.path.join(self._internalDirectory, new) self.internalPath = new_internal @internalDirectory.setter def internalDirectory(self, new): if new and new[0] != '/': new = '/' + new new_internal = os.path.join(new, self._internalDatasetName) self.internalPath = new_internal
def areOnSameDrive(path1,path2): # if one path is relative, assume they are on same drive if isUrl(path1) or isUrl(path2): return False if not os.path.isabs(path1) or not os.path.isabs(path2): return True drive1,path1 = os.path.splitdrive(path1) drive2,path2 = os.path.splitdrive(path2) return drive1==drive2 def compressPathForDisplay(pathstr,maxlength): '''Add alternatingly parts of the start and the end of the path until maxlength is exceeded. Result: Drive/Dir1/.../Dirn/file''' if len(pathstr) <= maxlength: return pathstr dots = '...' component_list = pathstr.split("/") prefix = "" suffix = "/" + component_list.pop(-1) while component_list: restlength = maxlength - len(prefix) - len(dots) suffix = '/' + component_list.pop(-1) + suffix if len(suffix) > restlength: suffix = suffix[-restlength:] break if not component_list: break c = prefix + component_list.pop(0) + "/" if len(c)+len(dots)+len(suffix) > maxlength: break prefix = c return prefix + dots + suffix def isUrl(path): # For now, the simplest rule will work. return '://' in path def make_absolute(path, cwd=os.getcwd()): return PathComponents(path, cwd).totalPath()
[docs]def getPathVariants(originalPath, workingDirectory): """ Take the given filePath (which can be absolute or relative, and may include an internal path suffix), and return a tuple of the absolute and relative paths to the file. """ # urls are considered absolute if isUrl(originalPath): return originalPath, None if len(originalPath) > 0 and originalPath[0] == '~': originalPath = os.path.expanduser(originalPath) relPath = originalPath if os.path.isabs(originalPath): absPath = originalPath if areOnSameDrive(originalPath,workingDirectory): relPath = os.path.relpath(absPath, workingDirectory) else: # Relative path does not always exist. Caller must check for None. relPath = None else: relPath = originalPath absPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(workingDirectory, relPath)) return (absPath.replace("\\","/"), relPath and relPath.replace("\\","/"))