Source code for lazyflow.utility.io_util.RESTfulVolume

#   lazyflow: data flow based lazy parallel computation framework
#       Copyright (C) 2011-2014, the ilastik developers
#                                <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# See the files LICENSE.lgpl2 and LICENSE.lgpl3 for full text of the
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import sys
import urllib
import numpy

from lazyflow.utility import PathComponents
from lazyflow.utility.jsonConfig import JsonConfigParser, AutoEval, FormattedField

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RESTfulVolume(object): """ This class provides access to data obtained via a RESTful API (e.g. from A description of the remote volume must be provided via a JSON file, whose schema is specified by :py:data:`RESTfulVolume.DescriptionFields`. See the unit tests in ``tests/`` for example usage. .. note:: This class does not keep track of the data you've already downloaded. Every call to :py:func:`downloadSubVolume()` results in a new download. For automatic blockwise local caching of remote datasets, see :py:class:`RESTfulBlockwiseFileset`. .. note:: See the unit tests in ``tests/`` for example usage. """ #: These fields describe the schema of the description file. #: See the source code comments for a description of each field. DescriptionFields = \ { "_schema_name" : "RESTful-volume-description", "_schema_version" : 1.0, "name" : str, "format" : str, "axes" : str, "dtype" : AutoEval(), "bounds" : AutoEval(numpy.array), "shape" : AutoEval(numpy.array), # Provided for you. Computed as bounds - origin_offset "origin_offset" : AutoEval(numpy.array), "url_format" : FormattedField( requiredFields=["x_start", "x_stop", "y_start", "y_stop", "z_start", "z_stop"], optionalFields=["t_start", "t_stop", "c_start", "c_stop"] ), "hdf5_dataset" : str } DescriptionSchema = JsonConfigParser( DescriptionFields ) @classmethod
[docs] def readDescription(cls, descriptionFilePath): """ Parse the description file at the given path and return a :py:class:`jsonConfig.Namespace` object with the description parameters. The file will be parsed according to the schema given by :py:data:`RESTfulVolume.DescriptionFields`. Any optional parameters not provided by the user are filled in automatically. :param descriptionFilePath: The path to the description file to parse. """ # Read file description = RESTfulVolume.DescriptionSchema.parseConfigFile( descriptionFilePath ) cls.updateDescription(description) return description
[docs] def updateDescription(cls, description): """ Some description fields are optional. If they aren't provided in the description JSON file, then this function provides them with default values, based on the other description fields. """ # Augment with default parameters. logger.debug(str(description)) if description.origin_offset is None: description.origin_offset = numpy.array( [0]*len(description.bounds) ) description.shape = description.bounds - description.origin_offset
[docs] def writeDescription(cls, descriptionFilePath, descriptionFields): """ Write a :py:class:`jsonConfig.Namespace` object to the given path. :param descriptionFilePath: The path to overwrite with the description fields. :param descriptionFields: The fields to write. """ RESTfulVolume.DescriptionSchema.writeConfigFile( descriptionFilePath, descriptionFields )
[docs] def __init__( self, descriptionFilePath=None, preparsedDescription=None ): """ Constructor. Uses `readDescription` interally. :param descriptionFilePath: The path to the .json file that describes the remote volume. :param preparsedDescription: (Optional) Provide pre-parsed description fields, in which case the provided description file will not be parsed. """ if preparsedDescription is not None: assert descriptionFilePath is None, "Can't provide BOTH description file and pre-parsed description fields." self.description = preparsedDescription else: assert descriptionFilePath is not None, "Must provide either a description file or pre-parsed description fields" self.description = RESTfulVolume.readDescription( descriptionFilePath ) # Check for errors assert False not in map(lambda a: a in 'txyzc', self.description.axes), "Unknown axis type. Known axes: txyzc Your axes:".format(self.description.axes) assert self.description.format == "hdf5", "Only hdf5 RESTful volumes are supported so far." assert self.description.hdf5_dataset is not None, "RESTful volume description file must specify the hdf5_dataset name" if self.description.hdf5_dataset[0] != '/': self.description.hdf5_dataset = '/' + self.description.hdf5_dataset
[docs] def downloadSubVolume(self, roi, outputDatasetPath): """ Download a cutout volume from the remote dataset. :param roi: The subset of the volume to download, specified as a tuple of coordinates: ``(start, stop)`` :param outputDatasetPath: The path to overwrite with the downloaded hdf5 file. """ origin_offset = numpy.array(self.description.origin_offset) accessStart = numpy.array(roi[0]) accessStart += origin_offset accessStop = numpy.array(roi[1]) accessStop += origin_offset RESTArgs = {} for axisindex, axiskey in enumerate(self.description.axes): startKey = '{}_start'.format(axiskey) stopKey = '{}_stop'.format(axiskey) RESTArgs[startKey] = accessStart[ axisindex ] RESTArgs[stopKey] = accessStop[ axisindex ] # Download the ROI specified in the url to a HDF5 file url = self.description.url_format.format( **RESTArgs ) "Opening url for region {}..{}: {}".format(roi[0], roi[1], url) ) pathComponents = PathComponents(outputDatasetPath) if pathComponents.internalPath != self.description.hdf5_dataset: # We could just open the file and rename the dataset to match what the user asked for, but that would probably be slow. # It's better just to force him to use the correct dataset name to begin with. raise RuntimeError("The RESTful volume format uses internal dataset name '{}', but you seem to be expecting '{}'.".format( self.description.hdf5_dataset, pathComponents.internalPath ) ) "Downloading RESTful subvolume to file: {}".format( pathComponents.externalPath ) ) urllib.urlretrieve(url, pathComponents.externalPath) "Finished downloading file: {}".format( pathComponents.externalPath ) )
if __name__ == "__main__": testParameters0 = """ { "_schema_name" : "RESTful-volume-description", "_schema_version" : 1.0, "name" : "Bock11-level0", "format" : "hdf5", "axes" : "zyx", "##NOTE":"The first z-slice of the bock dataset is 2917, so the origin_offset must be at least 2917", "origin_offset" : [2917, 50000, 50000], "###shape" : [1239, 135424, 119808], "shape" : [1239, 10000, 10000], "dtype" : "numpy.uint8", "url_format" : "{x_start},{x_stop}/{y_start},{y_stop}/{z_start},{z_stop}/", "hdf5_dataset" : "CUTOUT" } """ import os import tempfile import numpy # Write test to a temp file d = tempfile.mkdtemp() descriptionFilePath = os.path.join(d, 'remote_volume_parameters.json') with file( descriptionFilePath, 'w' ) as f: f.write(testParameters0) description = RESTfulVolume.readDescription( descriptionFilePath ) assert == "Bock11-level0" assert description.axes == "zyx" assert description.dtype == numpy.uint8