Source code for ilastik.utility.gui.threadRouter

#   ilastik: interactive learning and segmentation toolkit
#       Copyright (C) 2011-2014, the ilastik developers
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import threading
from functools import partial, wraps
from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal, Qt

[docs]class ThreadRouter(QObject): """ Create an instance of this class called 'threadRouter' to enable the :py:func:`@threadRouted<threadRouted>` decorator for methods of your object. """ routeToParent = pyqtSignal(object) # The main window of the app should set this to True when the # app is shutting down and thus no gui events should be processed any more. app_is_shutting_down = False
[docs] def __init__(self, parent): """ Construct a threadRouter object. You must call it ``self.threadRouter``. :param parent: The parent object, which whose thread will be used for all :py:func:`@threadRouted<threadRouted>` functions. """ assert parent is not None, "Can't use ThreadRouter without a parent QObject." QObject.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.ident = threading.current_thread().ident self.routeToParent.connect( self.handleRoutedFunc, Qt.BlockingQueuedConnection )
def handleRoutedFunc(self, f): return f()
def threadRoutedWithRouter(threadRouter): def _threadRouted(func): """ Decorator that routes calls to the given member function into the object's parent thread. If a member function ``f`` is decorated with ``@threadRouted``, all calls to ``f`` will execute in the GUI thread. The calling thread will block while ``f`` is executing, so the call will appear synchronous. This mechanism is slow, and should only be used for functions that MUST execute in the GUI thread. .. note:: Objects that use the @threadRouted decorator MUST have a :py:class:`ThreadRouter` member called ``self.threadRouter`` """ @wraps(func) def routed(*args, **kwargs): if ThreadRouter.app_is_shutting_down: return router = threadRouter if router is None: assert len(args) > 0 obj = args[0] assert isinstance(obj, QObject) assert hasattr(obj, 'threadRouter'), \ "Can't use the @threadRouted decorator unless your object has a member called self.threadRouter" router = obj.threadRouter # If we're already in the parent thread, then we can call the function directly if router.ident == threading.current_thread().ident: val = func(*args, **kwargs) # We rely on Qt signals (below) so it is an error to # use @threadRouted with a function that gives a return value assert val is None, "Can't return a value from an @threadRouted function." # Otherwise, we rely on the Qt BlockingQueuedConnection # signal behavior to transfer the call to the parent thread. else: router.routeToParent.emit( partial(func, *args, **kwargs) ) routed.__wrapped__ = func # Emulate python 3 behavior of @wraps return routed return _threadRouted threadRouted = threadRoutedWithRouter(None) if __name__ == "__main__": import time from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication class TestObject(QObject): def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) self.threadRouter = ThreadRouter(self) @threadRouted def printThreadId(self): time.sleep(0.5) print "thread id = ", threading.current_thread().ident app = QApplication([]) o = TestObject() def test(): print "thread id = ", threading.current_thread().ident o.printThreadId() print "Finished." th = threading.Thread(target=test) th.start() app.exec_()