Source code for ilastik.applets.objectClassification.opObjectClassification

#   ilastik: interactive learning and segmentation toolkit
#       Copyright (C) 2011-2014, the ilastik developers
#                                <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
# ilastik give you permission to combine ilastik with applets,
# workflows and plugins which are not covered under the GNU
# General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file for details. License information is also available
# on the ilastik web site at:
import os
import numpy
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn
import vigra
import time
import warnings
import itertools
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from functools import partial

from lazyflow.graph import Operator, InputSlot, OutputSlot
from lazyflow.stype import Opaque
from lazyflow.rtype import List
from lazyflow.operators import OpValueCache, OpSlicedBlockedArrayCache, OperatorWrapper, OpMultiArrayStacker
from lazyflow.request import Request, RequestPool, RequestLock

from lazyflow.classifiers import ParallelVigraRfLazyflowClassifierFactory, ParallelVigraRfLazyflowClassifier

from ilastik.utility import OperatorSubView, MultiLaneOperatorABC, OpMultiLaneWrapper
from ilastik.utility.exportingOperator import ExportingOperator
from ilastik.applets.objectExtraction.opObjectExtraction import default_features_key
from ilastik.applets.objectExtraction.opObjectExtraction import OpObjectExtraction

from ilastik.applets.base.applet import DatasetConstraintError

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class OpObjectClassification(Operator, ExportingOperator, MultiLaneOperatorABC): """The top-level operator for object classification. Most functionality is handled by specialized operators such as OpObjectTrain and OpObjectPredict. Also transfers existing labels if the upstream object segmentation changes. The transfer is conservative: labels only get transfered from an old object to a new object if they overlap sufficiently, and the label does not overlap with other objects. """ name = "OpObjectClassification" category = "Top-level" ############### # Input slots # ############### BinaryImages = InputSlot(level=1) # for visualization RawImages = InputSlot(level=1) # for visualization SegmentationImages = InputSlot(level=1) #connected components # the actual feature arrays # same format as OpObjectExtraction.RegionFeatures ObjectFeatures = InputSlot(rtype=List, stype=Opaque, level=1) # the names of the features computed in the object extraction operator # same format as OpObjectExtraction.ComputedFeatureNames ComputedFeatureNames = InputSlot(rtype=List, stype=Opaque) # the features selected in our own GUI # same format as ComputedFeatureNames SelectedFeatures = InputSlot(rtype=List, stype=Opaque) AllowDeleteLabels = InputSlot(stype='bool', value=True) AllowDeleteLastLabelOnly = InputSlot(stype='bool', value=False) AllowAddLabel = InputSlot(stype='bool', value=True) SuggestedLabelNames = InputSlot(stype=Opaque, value=[]) LabelInputs = InputSlot(stype=Opaque, rtype=List, optional=True, level=1) FreezePredictions = InputSlot(stype='bool', value=False) EnableLabelTransfer = InputSlot(stype='bool', value=False) # for reading from disk InputProbabilities = InputSlot(level=1, stype=Opaque, rtype=List, optional=True) ################ # Output slots # ################ NumLabels = OutputSlot() Classifier = OutputSlot() LabelImages = OutputSlot(level=1) Predictions = OutputSlot(level=1, stype=Opaque, rtype=List) Probabilities = OutputSlot(level=1, stype=Opaque, rtype=List) # pulls whatever is in the cache, but does not try to compute more. CachedProbabilities = OutputSlot(level=1, stype=Opaque, rtype=List) PredictionImages = OutputSlot(level=1) #Labels, by the majority vote UncachedPredictionImages = OutputSlot(level=1) PredictionProbabilityChannels = OutputSlot(level=2) # Classification predictions, enumerated by channel ProbabilityChannelImage = OutputSlot(level=1) SegmentationImagesOut = OutputSlot(level=1) #input connected components BadObjects = OutputSlot(level=1, stype=Opaque, rtype=List) #Objects with NaN-like features BadObjectImages = OutputSlot(level=1) #Images, where objects with NaN-like features are black Warnings = OutputSlot(stype=Opaque) #Warnings about objects with NaN-like features encountered in training # Used for labeling Eraser = OutputSlot() DeleteLabel = OutputSlot() # GUI-only (not part of the pipeline, but saved to the project) LabelNames = OutputSlot() LabelColors = OutputSlot() PmapColors = OutputSlot() MaxNumObj = OutputSlot() # Use a slot for storing the export settings in the project file. ExportSettings = OutputSlot() # Override functions ExportingOperator mixin def configure_table_export_settings(self, settings, selected_features): self.ExportSettings.setValue( (settings, selected_features) ) def get_table_export_settings(self): if self.ExportSettings.ready() and self.ExportSettings.value: (settings, selected_features) = self.ExportSettings.value return (settings, selected_features) else: return None, None def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): assert slot is self.ExportSettings, \ "Should be no need to execute this slot: {}".format( ) result[0] = numpy.array(None, None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OpObjectClassification, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.export_progress_dialog = None # internal operators opkwargs = dict(parent=self) self.opTrain = OpObjectTrain(parent=self) self.opPredict = OpMultiLaneWrapper(OpObjectPredict, **opkwargs) self.opLabelsToImage = OpMultiLaneWrapper(OpRelabelSegmentation, **opkwargs) self.opPredictionsToImage = OpMultiLaneWrapper(OpRelabelSegmentation, **opkwargs) self.opPredictionImageCache = OpMultiLaneWrapper(OpSlicedBlockedArrayCache, **opkwargs)"OpObjectClassification.opPredictionImageCache" self.opProbabilityChannelsToImage = OpMultiLaneWrapper(OpMultiRelabelSegmentation, **opkwargs) self.opBadObjectsToImage = OpMultiLaneWrapper(OpRelabelSegmentation, **opkwargs) self.opBadObjectsToWarningMessage = OpBadObjectsToWarningMessage(parent=self) self.classifier_cache = OpValueCache(parent=self) = "OpObjectClassification.classifier_cache" # connect inputs self.opTrain.Features.connect(self.ObjectFeatures) self.opTrain.Labels.connect(self.LabelInputs) self.opTrain.FixClassifier.setValue(False) self.opTrain.SelectedFeatures.connect(self.SelectedFeatures) self.classifier_cache.Input.connect(self.opTrain.Classifier) # Find the highest label in all the label images self.opMaxLabel = OpMaxLabel( parent=self ) self.opMaxLabel.Inputs.connect( self.LabelInputs ) self.opPredict.Features.connect(self.ObjectFeatures) self.opPredict.Classifier.connect(self.classifier_cache.Output) self.opPredict.SelectedFeatures.connect(self.SelectedFeatures) # Not directly connected. Must always use setValue() to update. # See _updateNumClasses() # self.opPredict.LabelsCount.connect(self.opMaxLabel.Output) # See _updateNumClasses() self.opLabelsToImage.Image.connect(self.SegmentationImages) self.opLabelsToImage.ObjectMap.connect(self.LabelInputs) self.opLabelsToImage.Features.connect(self.ObjectFeatures) self.opPredictionsToImage.Image.connect(self.SegmentationImages) self.opPredictionsToImage.ObjectMap.connect(self.opPredict.Predictions) self.opPredictionsToImage.Features.connect(self.ObjectFeatures) = "prediction_image_cache" self.opPredictionImageCache.fixAtCurrent.connect( self.FreezePredictions ) self.opPredictionImageCache.Input.connect( self.opPredictionsToImage.Output ) self.opProbabilityChannelsToImage.Image.connect(self.SegmentationImages) self.opProbabilityChannelsToImage.ObjectMaps.connect(self.opPredict.ProbabilityChannels) self.opProbabilityChannelsToImage.Features.connect(self.ObjectFeatures) class OpWrappedCache(Operator): """ This quick hack is necessary because there's not currently a way to wrap an OperatorWrapper. We need to double-wrap the cache, so we need this operator to provide the first level of wrapping. """ Input = InputSlot(level=1) innerBlockShape = InputSlot() outerBlockShape = InputSlot() fixAtCurrent = InputSlot(value = False) Output = OutputSlot(level=1) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super( OpWrappedCache, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs ) self._innerOperator = OperatorWrapper( OpSlicedBlockedArrayCache, parent=self ) self._innerOperator.Input.connect( self.Input ) self._innerOperator.fixAtCurrent.connect( self.fixAtCurrent ) self._innerOperator.innerBlockShape.connect( self.innerBlockShape ) self._innerOperator.outerBlockShape.connect( self.outerBlockShape ) self.Output.connect( self._innerOperator.Output ) def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, destination): assert False, "Shouldn't get here." def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi): pass # Nothing to do... # Wrap the cache for probability channels twice TWICE. self.opProbChannelsImageCache = OpMultiLaneWrapper( OpWrappedCache, parent=self ) = "OpObjectClassification.opProbChannelsImageCache" self.opProbChannelsImageCache.Input.connect(self.opProbabilityChannelsToImage.Output) self.opProbChannelsImageCache.fixAtCurrent.connect( self.FreezePredictions ) self.opBadObjectsToImage.Image.connect(self.SegmentationImages) self.opBadObjectsToImage.ObjectMap.connect(self.opPredict.BadObjects) self.opBadObjectsToImage.Features.connect(self.ObjectFeatures) self.opBadObjectsToWarningMessage.BadObjects.connect(self.opTrain.BadObjects) self.opPredict.InputProbabilities.connect(self.InputProbabilities) def _updateNumClasses(*args): """ When the number of labels changes, we MUST make sure that the prediction image changes its shape (the number of channels). Since setupOutputs is not called for mere dirty notifications, but is called in response to setValue(), we use this function to call setValue(). """ numClasses = len(self.LabelNames.value) self.opPredict.LabelsCount.setValue( numClasses ) self.opTrain.LabelsCount.setValue( numClasses ) self.NumLabels.setValue( numClasses ) self.MaxNumObj.setValue ( numClasses - 1) self.LabelNames.notifyDirty( _updateNumClasses ) self.LabelNames.setValue( [] ) self.LabelColors.setValue( [] ) self.PmapColors.setValue( [] ) self.ExportSettings.setValue( (None, None) ) self.opStackProbabilities = OperatorWrapper( OpMultiArrayStacker, parent=self ) self.opStackProbabilities.Images.connect( self.opProbChannelsImageCache.Output ) self.opStackProbabilities.AxisFlag.setValue('c') # connect outputs self.LabelImages.connect(self.opLabelsToImage.Output) self.Predictions.connect(self.opPredict.Predictions) self.Probabilities.connect(self.opPredict.Probabilities) self.CachedProbabilities.connect(self.opPredict.CachedProbabilities) self.PredictionImages.connect(self.opPredictionImageCache.Output) self.UncachedPredictionImages.connect(self.opPredictionsToImage.Output) self.PredictionProbabilityChannels.connect(self.opProbChannelsImageCache.Output) self.ProbabilityChannelImage.connect( self.opStackProbabilities.Output ) self.BadObjects.connect(self.opPredict.BadObjects) self.BadObjectImages.connect(self.opBadObjectsToImage.Output) self.Warnings.connect(self.opBadObjectsToWarningMessage.WarningMessage) self.Classifier.connect(self.classifier_cache.Output) self.SegmentationImagesOut.connect(self.SegmentationImages) # Not directly connected. Must always use setValue() to update. # See _updateNumClasses() # self.NumLabels.connect( self.opMaxLabel.Output ) self.Eraser.setValue(100) self.DeleteLabel.setValue(-1) self._labelBBoxes = [] self._ambiguousLabels = [] self._needLabelTransfer = False def handleNewInputImage(multislot, index, *args): def handleInputReady(slot): self.setupCaches(multislot.index(slot)) multislot[index].notifyReady(handleInputReady) self.SegmentationImages.notifyInserted(handleNewInputImage) self._predict_enabled = False
[docs] def setupCaches(self, imageIndex): """Setup the label input and caches to correct dimensions""" numImages=len(self.SegmentationImages) cctype = self.SegmentationImages[imageIndex].meta.dtype if not issubclass(cctype, numpy.integer): msg = "Connected Components image should be of integer type.\n"\ "Ask your workflow developer to change the input applet accordingly.\n" raise DatasetConstraintError("Object Classification", msg) self.LabelInputs.resize(numImages) self.LabelInputs[imageIndex].meta.shape = (1,) self.LabelInputs[imageIndex].meta.dtype = object self.LabelInputs[imageIndex].meta.mapping_dtype = numpy.uint8 self.LabelInputs[imageIndex].meta.axistags = None self._resetLabelInputs(imageIndex)
def _resetLabelInputs(self, imageIndex, roi=None): labels = dict() for t in range(self.SegmentationImages[imageIndex].meta.shape[0]): #initialize, because volumina needs to reshape to use it as a datasink labels[t] = numpy.zeros((2,)) self.LabelInputs[imageIndex].setValue(labels) if imageIndex in range(len(self._ambiguousLabels)): self._ambiguousLabels[imageIndex] = None self._labelBBoxes[imageIndex] = dict() else: self._ambiguousLabels.insert(imageIndex, None) self._labelBBoxes.insert(imageIndex, dict()) def clearLabel(self, label): # set this label to 0 in the label inputs for islot, label_slot in enumerate(self.LabelInputs): if not label_slot.ready() or islot>= len(self.RawImages) or \ not self.RawImages[islot].ready(): continue cur_labels = label_slot.value for t in cur_labels.keys(): label_values_t = cur_labels[t] label_values_t[label_values_t==label]=0 cur_labels[t] = label_values_t label_slot.setValue(cur_labels) label_slot.setDirty([]) def removeLabel(self, label): #remove this label from the inputs for islot, label_slot in enumerate(self.LabelInputs): if not label_slot.ready() or islot>= len(self.RawImages) or \ not self.RawImages[islot].ready(): continue cur_labels = label_slot.value nTimes = self.RawImages[islot].meta.shape[0] nLabels = len(self.LabelNames.value)+1 #+1 because we already took out the name in labelingGui for t in range(nTimes): label_values = cur_labels[t] label_values[label_values==label+1] = 0 for nextLabel in range(label, nLabels): label_values[label_values==nextLabel+1]=nextLabel self.LabelInputs.setDirty([]) def setupOutputs(self): self.Warnings.meta.shape = (1,) axisOrder = [ tag.key for tag in self.RawImages[0].meta.axistags ] blockDimsX = { 't' : (1,1), 'z' : (256,256), 'y' : (256,256), 'x' : (1,1), 'c' : (100, 100) } blockDimsY = { 't' : (1,1), 'z' : (256,256), 'y' : (1,1), 'x' : (256,256), 'c' : (100,100) } blockDimsZ = { 't' : (1,1), 'z' : (1,1), 'y' : (256,256), 'x' : (256,256), 'c' : (100,100) } innerBlockShapeX = tuple( blockDimsX[k][0] for k in axisOrder ) outerBlockShapeX = tuple( blockDimsX[k][1] for k in axisOrder ) innerBlockShapeY = tuple( blockDimsY[k][0] for k in axisOrder ) outerBlockShapeY = tuple( blockDimsY[k][1] for k in axisOrder ) innerBlockShapeZ = tuple( blockDimsZ[k][0] for k in axisOrder ) outerBlockShapeZ = tuple( blockDimsZ[k][1] for k in axisOrder ) self.opPredictionImageCache.innerBlockShape.setValue( (innerBlockShapeX, innerBlockShapeY, innerBlockShapeZ) ) self.opPredictionImageCache.outerBlockShape.setValue( (outerBlockShapeX, outerBlockShapeY, outerBlockShapeZ) ) self.opProbChannelsImageCache.innerBlockShape.setValue( (innerBlockShapeX, innerBlockShapeY, innerBlockShapeZ) ) self.opProbChannelsImageCache.outerBlockShape.setValue( (outerBlockShapeX, outerBlockShapeY, outerBlockShapeZ) ) self.MaxNumObj.setValue( len(self.LabelNames.value) - 1) def setInSlot(self, slot, subindex, roi, value): pass def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi): if slot==self.SegmentationImages and len(self.LabelInputs)>0: self._ambiguousLabels[subindex[0]] = self.LabelInputs[subindex[0]].value self._needLabelTransfer = True
[docs] def assignObjectLabel(self, imageIndex, coordinate, assignedLabel): """ Update the assigned label of the object located at the given coordinate. Does nothing if no object resides at the given coordinate. """ segmentationShape = self.SegmentationImagesOut[imageIndex].meta.shape assert len(coordinate) == len( segmentationShape ), "Coordinate: {} is has the wrong length for this image, which is of shape: {}".format( coordinate, segmentationShape ) slicing = tuple(slice(i, i+1) for i in coordinate) arr = self.SegmentationImagesOut[imageIndex][slicing].wait() objIndex = arr.flat[0] if objIndex == 0: # background; FIXME: do not hardcode return timeCoord = coordinate[0] labelslot = self.LabelInputs[imageIndex] labelsdict = labelslot.value labels = labelsdict[timeCoord] nobjects = len(labels) if objIndex >= nobjects: newLabels = numpy.zeros((objIndex + 1),) newLabels[:nobjects] = labels[:] labels = newLabels labels[objIndex] = assignedLabel labelsdict[timeCoord] = labels labelslot.setValue(labelsdict) labelslot.setDirty([(timeCoord, objIndex)])
#Fill the cache of label bounding boxes, if it was empty # FIXME: TRANSFER LABELS: # Apparently this code was required for triggerTransferLabels(), # But it has the unfortunate effect of synchronously computing the object features for the current image # as soon as the user has clicked her first label. It causes quite a noticeable lag! # if len(self._labelBBoxes[imageIndex].keys())==0: # #it's the first label for this image # feats = self.ObjectFeatures[imageIndex]([timeCoord]).wait() # # #the bboxes should be the same for all channels # mins = feats[timeCoord][default_features_key]["Coord<Minimum>"] # maxs = feats[timeCoord][default_features_key]["Coord<Maximum>"] # bboxes = dict() # bboxes["Coord<Minimum>"] = mins # bboxes["Coord<Maximum>"] = maxs # self._labelBBoxes[imageIndex][timeCoord]=bboxes def triggerTransferLabels(self, imageIndex): # FIXME: This function no longer works, partly thanks to the code commented out above. See "FIXME: TRANSFER LABELS" if not self._needLabelTransfer: return None if not self.SegmentationImages[imageIndex].ready(): return None if len(self._labelBBoxes[imageIndex].keys())==0: #we either don't have any labels or we just read the project from file #nothing to transfer self._needLabelTransfer = False return None if not self.EnableLabelTransfer: self._resetLabelInputs(imageIndex) self._needLabelTransfer = False return None labels = dict() for timeCoord in range(self.SegmentationImages[imageIndex].meta.shape[0]): #we have to get new object features to get bounding boxes"Transferring labels to the new segmentation. This might take a while...") new_feats = self.ObjectFeatures[imageIndex]([timeCoord]).wait() coords = dict() coords["Coord<Minimum>"] = new_feats[timeCoord][default_features_key]["Coord<Minimum>"] coords["Coord<Maximum>"] = new_feats[timeCoord][default_features_key]["Coord<Maximum>"] #FIXME: pass axistags new_labels, old_labels_lost, new_labels_lost = self.transferLabels( self._ambiguousLabels[imageIndex][timeCoord], self._labelBBoxes[imageIndex][timeCoord], coords ) labels[timeCoord] = new_labels self._labelBBoxes[imageIndex][timeCoord]=coords self._ambiguousLabels[imageIndex][timeCoord]=numpy.zeros((2,)) #initialize ambig. labels as normal labels self.LabelInputs[imageIndex].setValue(labels) self._needLabelTransfer = False return new_labels, old_labels_lost, new_labels_lost @staticmethod def transferLabels(old_labels, old_bboxes, new_bboxes, axistags = None): #transfer labels from old segmentation to new segmentation mins_old = old_bboxes["Coord<Minimum>"] maxs_old = old_bboxes["Coord<Maximum>"] mins_new = new_bboxes["Coord<Minimum>"] maxs_new = new_bboxes["Coord<Maximum>"] nobj_old = mins_old.shape[0] nobj_new = mins_new.shape[0] if axistags is None: axistags = "xyz" data2D = False if mins_old.shape[1]==2: data2D = True class bbox(): def __init__(self, minmaxs, axistags): self.xmin = minmaxs[0][axistags.index('x')] self.ymin = minmaxs[0][axistags.index('y')] if not data2D: self.zmin = minmaxs[0][axistags.index('z')] else: self.zmin = 0 self.xmax = minmaxs[1][axistags.index('x')] self.ymax = minmaxs[1][axistags.index('y')] if not data2D: self.zmax = minmaxs[1][axistags.index('z')] else: self.zmax = 0 self.rad_x = 0.5*(self.xmax - self.xmin) self.cent_x = self.xmin+self.rad_x self.rad_y = 0.5*(self.ymax-self.ymin) self.cent_y = self.ymin+self.rad_y self.rad_z = 0.5*(self.zmax-self.zmin) self.cent_z = self.zmin+self.rad_z @staticmethod def overlap(bbox_tuple): this = bbox_tuple[0] that = bbox_tuple[1] over_x = this.rad_x+that.rad_x - (abs(this.cent_x-that.cent_x)) over_y = this.rad_y+that.rad_y - (abs(this.cent_y-that.cent_y)) over_z = this.rad_z+that.rad_z - (abs(this.cent_z-that.cent_z)) if not data2D: if over_x>0 and over_y>0 and over_z>0: return over_x*over_y*over_z else: if over_x>0 and over_y>0: return over_x*over_y return 0 nonzeros = numpy.nonzero(old_labels)[0] bboxes_old = [bbox(x, axistags) for x in zip(mins_old[nonzeros], maxs_old[nonzeros])] bboxes_new = [bbox(x, axistags) for x in zip(mins_new, maxs_new)] #remove background #FIXME: assuming background is 0 again bboxes_new = bboxes_new[1:] double_for_loop = itertools.product(bboxes_old, bboxes_new) overlaps = map(bbox.overlap, double_for_loop) overlaps = numpy.asarray(overlaps) overlaps = overlaps.reshape((len(bboxes_old), len(bboxes_new))) new_labels = numpy.zeros((nobj_new,), dtype=numpy.uint32) old_labels_lost = dict() old_labels_lost["full"]=[] old_labels_lost["partial"]=[] new_labels_lost = dict() new_labels_lost["conflict"]=[] for iobj in range(overlaps.shape[0]): #take the object with maximum overlap overlapsum = numpy.sum(overlaps[iobj, :]) if overlapsum==0: old_labels_lost["full"].append((bboxes_old[iobj].cent_x, bboxes_old[iobj].cent_y, bboxes_old[iobj].cent_z)) continue newindex = numpy.argmax(overlaps[iobj, :]) if overlapsum-overlaps[iobj,newindex]>0: #this object overlaps with more than one new object old_labels_lost["partial"].append((bboxes_old[iobj].cent_x, bboxes_old[iobj].cent_y, bboxes_old[iobj].cent_z)) overlaps[iobj, :] = 0 overlaps[iobj, newindex] = 1 #doesn't matter what number>0 for iobj in range(overlaps.shape[1]): labels = numpy.where(overlaps[:, iobj]>0)[0] if labels.shape[0]==1: new_labels[iobj+1]=old_labels[nonzeros[labels[0]]] #iobj+1 because of the background elif labels.shape[0]>1: new_labels_lost["conflict"].append((bboxes_new[iobj].cent_x, bboxes_new[iobj].cent_y, bboxes_new[iobj].cent_z)) new_labels = new_labels new_labels[0]=0 #FIXME: hardcoded background value again return new_labels, old_labels_lost, new_labels_lost
[docs] def exportLabelInfo(self, file_path): """ For all images with labels, export object bounding boxes and label classes as JSON. """ import json import collections from functools import partial"Exporting label information as json to: {}".format( file_path )) json_data_all_lanes = collections.OrderedDict() for lane_index, (label_slot, object_feature_slot) in enumerate(zip(self.LabelInputs, self.ObjectFeatures)):"Processing image #{}".format( lane_index )) json_data_this_lane = collections.OrderedDict() labels_timewise = label_slot.value for t in sorted(labels_timewise.keys()): labels = labels_timewise[t] if not any(labels): continue object_features_timewise = object_feature_slot([t]).wait() object_features = object_features_timewise[t] min_coords = object_features["Default features"]["Coord<Minimum>"] max_coords = object_features["Default features"]["Coord<Maximum>"] # Don't bother saving info for objects that aren't labeled min_coords = min_coords[labels.nonzero()] max_coords = max_coords[labels.nonzero()] labels = labels[labels.nonzero()] json_data_this_time = collections.OrderedDict() bounding_boxes = collections.OrderedDict() # Convert from numpy array to list (for json) bounding_boxes["Coord<Minimum>"] = map( partial(map, int), min_coords ) bounding_boxes["Coord<Maximum>"] = map( partial(map, int), max_coords ) json_data_this_time["bounding_boxes"] = bounding_boxes json_data_this_time["labels"] = map(int, labels) json_data_this_lane[int(t)] = json_data_this_time json_data_all_lanes[lane_index] = json_data_this_lane with open(file_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(json_data_all_lanes, f)"Label export FINISHED.")
[docs] def importLabelInfo(self, file_path): """ Read labels and bounding boxes from a JSON file. For all image lanes in the JSON file, replace all labels in that image. For image lanes NOT listed in the JSON file, keep the existing labels. """ import json"Reading label information from json: {}".format( file_path )) with open(file_path, 'r') as f: json_data_all_lanes = json.load(f) max_label = 0 new_labels_all_lanes = {} for lane_index_str in sorted(json_data_all_lanes.keys(), key=int): lane_index = int(lane_index_str)"Processing image #{}".format( lane_index )) json_data_this_lane = json_data_all_lanes[lane_index_str] new_labels_this_lane = {} for time_str in sorted(json_data_this_lane.keys(), key=int): time = int(time_str) old_features_timewise = self.ObjectFeatures[lane_index]([time]).wait() old_features = old_features_timewise[time] current_bboxes = {} current_bboxes["Coord<Minimum>"] = old_features["Default features"]["Coord<Minimum>"] current_bboxes["Coord<Maximum>"] = old_features["Default features"]["Coord<Maximum>"] json_data_this_time = json_data_this_lane[time_str] saved_labels = numpy.array( json_data_this_time["labels"] ) max_label = max( max_label, saved_labels.max() ) saved_bboxes = {} saved_bboxes["Coord<Minimum>"] = numpy.array( json_data_this_time["bounding_boxes"]["Coord<Minimum>"] ) saved_bboxes["Coord<Maximum>"] = numpy.array( json_data_this_time["bounding_boxes"]["Coord<Maximum>"] ) # Calculate new labels newlabels, oldlost, newlost = OpObjectClassification.transferLabels(saved_labels, saved_bboxes, current_bboxes, None) new_labels_this_lane[time] = newlabels"Lane {}, time {} new labels: {}".format( lane_index, time, list(newlabels) ))"Lane {}, time {} lost OLD: {}".format( lane_index, time, oldlost ))"Lane {}, time {} lost NEW: {}".format( lane_index, time, newlost )) # Apply new labels new_labels_all_lanes[lane_index] = new_labels_this_lane # If we have a new max label, add label classes as needed. label_names = self.LabelNames.value if len(self.LabelNames.value) < max_label: new_label_names = list(label_names) for class_index in range( len(label_names)+1, int(max_label)+1 ): new_label_names.append( "Label {}".format( class_index ) ) self.LabelNames.setValue( new_label_names ) for lane_index, new_labels_timewise in sorted(new_labels_all_lanes.items()): for t in range( self.SegmentationImages[lane_index].meta.getTaggedShape()['t'] ): if t not in new_labels_timewise: # No replacement labels. Copy old labels. new_labels_timewise[t] = self.LabelInputs[lane_index].value[t]"Applying new labels to lane {}".format( lane_index )) self.LabelInputs[lane_index].setValue(new_labels_timewise)"Label import FINISHED")
def createExportTable(self, lane, roi): numLanes = len(self.SegmentationImages) assert lane < numLanes, \ "Can't export features for lane {} (only {} lanes exist)"\ .format( lane, numLanes ) return self.opPredict[lane].createExportTable(roi) def addLane(self, laneIndex): numLanes = len(self.SegmentationImages) assert numLanes == laneIndex, "Image lanes must be appended." for slot in self.inputs.values(): if slot.level > 0 and len(slot) == laneIndex: slot.resize(numLanes + 1) def removeLane(self, laneIndex, finalLength): for slot in self.inputs.values(): if slot.level > 0 and len(slot) == finalLength + 1: slot.removeSlot(laneIndex, finalLength) try: self._ambiguousLabels.pop(laneIndex) self._labelBBoxes.pop(laneIndex) except: #FIXME: sometimes this pop is called for no reason and makes the project unusable. We should fix the underlying issue. pass def getLane(self, laneIndex): return OperatorSubView(self, laneIndex)
[docs] def save_export_progress_dialog(self, dialog): """ Implements ExportOperator.save_export_progress_dialog Without this the progress dialog would be hidden after the export :param dialog: the ProgressDialog to save """ self.export_progress_dialog = dialog
[docs] def do_export(self, settings, selected_features, progress_slot, lane_index, filename_suffix=""): """ Implements ExportOperator.do_export(settings, selected_features, progress_slot Most likely called from ExportOperator.export_object_data :param settings: the settings for the exporter, see :param selected_features: :param progress_slot: :return: """ from ilastik.utility.exportFile import objects_per_frame, ExportFile, ilastik_ids, Mode, Default label_image = self.SegmentationImages[lane_index] obj_count = list(objects_per_frame(label_image)) ids = list(ilastik_ids(obj_count)) file_path = settings["file path"] if filename_suffix: path, ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) file_path = path + "-" + filename_suffix + ext export_file = ExportFile(file_path) export_file.ExportProgress.subscribe(progress_slot) export_file.InsertionProgress.subscribe(progress_slot) # Object IDs export_file.add_columns("table", range(sum(obj_count)), Mode.List, Default.KnimeId) export_file.add_columns("table", ids, Mode.List, Default.IlastikId) # Object Prediction Labels class_names = OrderedDict(enumerate(self.LabelNames.value, start=1)) predictions = self.Predictions[lane_index]([]).wait() # Predicted classes named_predictions = [] for t, object_id in ids: prediction_label = predictions[t][object_id] prediction_name = class_names[prediction_label] named_predictions.append(prediction_name) export_file.add_columns("table", named_predictions, Mode.List, {"names": ("predicted_class",)}) # Class probabilities probabilities = self.Probabilities[lane_index]([]).wait() probability_columns = OrderedDict((name, []) for name in class_names.values()) for t, object_id in ids: for label_id, class_name in class_names.items(): prob = probabilities[t][object_id][label_id-1] probability_columns[class_name].append( prob ) probability_column_names = map(lambda class_name: "Probability of {}".format( class_name ), class_names.values()) export_file.add_columns("table", zip(*probability_columns.values()), Mode.List, {"names": probability_column_names}) # Object features computed_names = self.ComputedFeatureNames.value export_file.add_columns("table", self.ObjectFeatures[lane_index], Mode.IlastikFeatureTable, {"selection": selected_features}) if settings["file type"] == "h5": export_file.add_rois(Default.LabelRoiPath, label_image, "table", settings["margin"], "labeling") if settings["include raw"]: export_file.add_image(Default.RawPath, self.RawImages[lane_index]) else: export_file.add_rois(Default.RawRoiPath, self.RawImages[lane_index], "table", settings["margin"]) export_file.write_all(settings["file type"], settings["compression"]) export_file.ExportProgress.unsubscribe(progress_slot) export_file.InsertionProgress.unsubscribe(progress_slot)
def _atleast_nd(a, ndim): """Like numpy.atleast_1d and friends, but supports arbitrary ndim, always puts extra dimensions last, and resizes. """ if ndim < a.ndim: return nnew = ndim - a.ndim newshape = tuple(list(a.shape) + [1] * nnew) a.resize(newshape) def _concatenate(arrays, axis): """wrapper to numpy.concatenate that resizes arrays first.""" arrays = list(a for a in arrays if 0 not in a.shape) if len(arrays) == 0: return numpy.array([]) maxd = max(max(a.ndim for a in arrays), 2) for a in arrays: _atleast_nd(a, maxd) return numpy.concatenate(arrays, axis=axis) def make_feature_array(feats, selected, labels=None): featlist = [] labellist = [] row_names = [] col_names = [] for t in sorted(feats.keys()): featsMatrix_tmp = [] index = None if labels is not None: labellist_tmp = [] lab = labels[t].squeeze() index = numpy.nonzero(lab) labellist_tmp.append(lab[index]) timestep_col_names = [] for plugin in sorted(feats[t].keys()): if plugin == default_features_key or plugin not in selected: continue for featname in sorted(feats[t][plugin].keys()): if featname not in selected[plugin]: continue value = feats[t][plugin][featname] ft = numpy.asarray(value.squeeze()) if index is not None: ft = ft[index] featsMatrix_tmp.append(ft) timestep_col_names.extend([(plugin, featname)] * value.shape[1]) if not col_names: col_names = timestep_col_names elif col_names != timestep_col_names: raise Exception('different time slices did not have same features.') #FIXME: we can do it all with just arrays featsMatrix_tmp_combined = _concatenate(featsMatrix_tmp, axis=1) featlist.append(featsMatrix_tmp_combined) if index is not None: row_names.extend(list((t, obj) for obj in index[0])) if labels is not None: labellist_tmp_combined = _concatenate(labellist_tmp, axis=1) labellist.append(labellist_tmp_combined) featMatrix = _concatenate(featlist, axis=0) if labels is not None: labelsMatrix = _concatenate(labellist, axis=0) assert labelsMatrix.shape[0] == featMatrix.shape[0] return featMatrix, row_names, col_names, labelsMatrix return featMatrix, row_names, col_names def replace_missing(a): rows, cols = numpy.where(numpy.isnan(a) + numpy.isinf(a)) idx = (rows, cols) rows = list(set(rows.flat)) cols = list(set(cols.flat)) a[idx] = MISSING_VALUE return rows, cols
[docs]class OpObjectTrain(Operator): """Trains a random forest on all labeled objects.""" name = "TrainRandomForestObjects" description = "Train a random forest on multiple images" category = "Learning" Labels = InputSlot(level=1, stype=Opaque, rtype=List) LabelsCount = InputSlot(stype='int') Features = InputSlot(level=1, rtype=List, stype=Opaque) SelectedFeatures = InputSlot(rtype=List, stype=Opaque) FixClassifier = InputSlot(stype="bool") ForestCount = InputSlot(stype="int", value=1) Classifier = OutputSlot() BadObjects = OutputSlot(stype=Opaque) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OpObjectTrain, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._tree_count = 100 self.FixClassifier.setValue(False) def setupOutputs(self): if self.FixClassifier.value == False: self.Classifier.meta.dtype = object self.Classifier.meta.shape = (1,) self.Classifier.meta.axistags = None self.BadObjects.meta.shape = (1,) self.BadObjects.meta.dtype = object self.BadObjects.meta.axistags = None def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): featList = [] all_col_names = [] labelsList = [] # get the number of ALL labels numLabels=0 if self.LabelsCount.ready(): numLabels = self.LabelsCount[:].wait() numLabels = int(numLabels[0]) # will be available at slot self.Warnings all_bad_objects = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) all_bad_feats = set() selected = self.SelectedFeatures([]).wait() if len(selected)==0: # no features - no predictions self.Classifier.setValue(None) return lock = RequestLock() def fetch_features(lane_index): # TODO: we should be able to use self.Labels[i].value, # but the current implementation of Slot.value() does not # do the right thing. labels_image = self.Labels[lane_index]([]).wait() labels_image_filtered = {} nztimes = [] for timestep, labels_time in labels_image.iteritems(): nz = numpy.nonzero(labels_time) if len(nz[0])==0: continue else: nztimes.append(timestep) labels_image_filtered[timestep] = labels_time if len(nztimes)==0: return # compute the features if there are nonzero labels in this image # and only for the time steps, which have labels feats = self.Features[lane_index](nztimes).wait() featstmp, row_names, col_names, labelstmp = make_feature_array(feats, selected, labels_image_filtered) if labelstmp.size == 0 or featstmp.size == 0: return rows, cols = replace_missing(featstmp) # Critical section: Adding to shared lists. with lock: featList.append(featstmp) all_col_names.append(tuple(col_names)) labelsList.append(labelstmp) for idx in rows: t, obj = row_names[idx] all_bad_objects[lane_index][t].append(obj) for c in cols: all_bad_feats.add(col_names[c]) pool = RequestPool() for i in range(len(self.Labels)): # this loop is by image, not time! pool.add( Request( partial(fetch_features, i) ) ) pool.wait() if len(labelsList)==0: #no labels, return here self.Classifier.setValue(None) return self._warnBadObjects(all_bad_objects, all_bad_feats) if not len(set(all_col_names)) == 1: raise Exception('different time slices did not have same features.') featMatrix = _concatenate(featList, axis=0) labelsMatrix = _concatenate(labelsList, axis=0)"training on matrix of shape {}".format(featMatrix.shape)) if featMatrix.size == 0 or labelsMatrix.size == 0: result[:] = None return allLabels=map(long, range(1,numLabels+1)) classifier_factory = ParallelVigraRfLazyflowClassifierFactory( self._tree_count, self.ForestCount.value, labels=allLabels ) classifier = classifier_factory.create_and_train( featMatrix.astype(numpy.float32), numpy.asarray(labelsMatrix, dtype=numpy.uint32) ) avg_oob = numpy.mean(classifier.oobs)"training finished, average out-of-bag error: {}".format(avg_oob)) result[0] = classifier return result def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi): if slot is not self.FixClassifier and \ self.inputs["FixClassifier"].value == False: slcs = (slice(0, self.ForestCount.value, None),) self.outputs["Classifier"].setDirty(slcs) def _warnBadObjects(self, bad_objects, bad_feats): if len(bad_feats) > 0 or\ any([len(bad_objects[i]) > 0 for i in bad_objects.keys()]): self.BadObjects.setValue({'objects': bad_objects, 'feats': bad_feats})
[docs]class OpObjectPredict(Operator): """Predicts object labels in a single image. Performs prediction on all objects in a time slice at once, and caches the result. """ # WARNING: right now we predict and cache a whole time slice. We # expect this to be fast because there are relatively few objects # compared to the number of pixels in pixel classification. If # this should be too slow, we should instead cache at the object # level, and only predict for objects visible in the roi. name = "OpObjectPredict" Features = InputSlot(rtype=List, stype=Opaque) SelectedFeatures = InputSlot(rtype=List, stype=Opaque) Classifier = InputSlot() LabelsCount = InputSlot(stype='integer') InputProbabilities = InputSlot(stype=Opaque, rtype=List, optional=True) Predictions = OutputSlot(stype=Opaque, rtype=List) Probabilities = OutputSlot(stype=Opaque, rtype=List) CachedProbabilities = OutputSlot(stype=Opaque, rtype=List) ProbabilityChannels = OutputSlot(stype=Opaque, rtype=List, level=1) BadObjects = OutputSlot(stype=Opaque, rtype=List) #SegmentationThreshold = 0.5 def setupOutputs(self): self.Predictions.meta.shape = self.Features.meta.shape self.Predictions.meta.dtype = object self.Predictions.meta.axistags = None self.Predictions.meta.mapping_dtype = numpy.uint8 self.Probabilities.meta.shape = self.Features.meta.shape self.Probabilities.meta.dtype = object self.Probabilities.meta.mapping_dtype = numpy.float32 self.Probabilities.meta.axistags = None self.BadObjects.meta.shape = self.Features.meta.shape self.BadObjects.meta.dtype = object self.BadObjects.meta.mapping_dtype = numpy.uint8 self.BadObjects.meta.axistags = None if self.LabelsCount.ready(): nlabels = self.LabelsCount[:].wait() nlabels = int(nlabels[0]) self.ProbabilityChannels.resize(nlabels) for oslot in self.ProbabilityChannels: oslot.meta.shape = self.Features.meta.shape oslot.meta.dtype = object oslot.meta.axistags = None oslot.meta.mapping_dtype = numpy.float32 self.lock = RequestLock() self.prob_cache = dict() self.bad_objects = dict() def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): assert slot in [self.Predictions, self.Probabilities, self.CachedProbabilities, self.ProbabilityChannels, self.BadObjects] times = roi._l if len(times) == 0: # we assume that 0-length requests are requesting everything times = range(self.Predictions.meta.shape[0]) if slot is self.CachedProbabilities: return {t: self.prob_cache[t] for t in times if t in self.prob_cache} classifier = self.Classifier.value if classifier is None: # this happens if there was no data to train with return dict((t, numpy.array([])) for t in times) feats = {} prob_predictions = {} selected = self.SelectedFeatures([]).wait() def get_num_objects(extracted_features): n = 0 for group, feature_dict in extracted_features.items(): for feature_name, feature_matrix in feature_dict.items(): n = max(n, len(feature_matrix)) return n # Keep a list of times that are not in the cache with self.lock: times_not_cached = [t for t in times if t not in self.prob_cache] # Initialize with a single value for the 'background object ' if times_not_cached: tmpfeats = self.Features(times_not_cached).wait() for t in times_not_cached: prob_predictions[t] = numpy.zeros( (1, len(self.ProbabilityChannels)), dtype=numpy.float32 ) num_objects = get_num_objects(tmpfeats[t])#tmpfeats[t]) # Apparently self.Features always returns a background object, # so we expect at least 1 object in the list, even if there's nothing to predict. assert num_objects > 0 if num_objects == 1: continue ftmatrix, _, col_names = make_feature_array({t:tmpfeats[t]}, selected) rows, cols = replace_missing(ftmatrix) self.bad_objects[t] = numpy.zeros((ftmatrix.shape[0],)) self.bad_objects[t][rows] = 1 feats[t] = ftmatrix # Are there any objects to predict? if len(feats) > 0: def predict_forest(_t): # Note: We can't use RandomForest.predictLabels() here because we're training in parallel, # and we have to average the PROBABILITIES from all forests. # Averaging the label predictions from each forest is NOT equivalent. # For details please see wikipedia: # # (^-^) prob_predictions[_t] = classifier.predict_probabilities(feats[_t].astype(numpy.float32)) # predict the data with all the forests in parallel pool = RequestPool() for t in times_not_cached: logger.debug("Predicting object probabilities for time step: {}".format( t )) req = Request( partial(predict_forest, t) ) pool.add(req) pool.wait() pool.clean() with self.lock: for t in times: if t not in self.prob_cache: # prob_predictions is a dict-of-arrays, indexed as follows: # prob_predictions[t][object_index, class_index] self.prob_cache[t] = prob_predictions[t] self.prob_cache[t][0] = 0 # Background probability is always zero if slot == self.Probabilities: return { t : self.prob_cache[t] for t in times } elif slot == self.Predictions: # FIXME: Support SegmentationThreshold again... labels = dict() for t in times: prob_sum = numpy.sum(self.prob_cache[t], axis=1) labels[t] = 1 + numpy.argmax(self.prob_cache[t], axis=1) labels[t][0] = 0 # Background gets the zero label return labels elif slot == self.ProbabilityChannels: try: prob_single_channel = {t: self.prob_cache[t][:, subindex[0]] for t in times} except: # no probabilities available for this class; return zeros prob_single_channel = {t: numpy.zeros((self.prob_cache[t].shape[0], 1)) for t in times} return prob_single_channel elif slot == self.BadObjects: return { t : self.bad_objects[t] for t in times } else: assert False, "Unknown input slot" def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi): self.prob_cache = {} if slot is self.InputProbabilities: self.prob_cache = self.InputProbabilities([]).wait() self.Predictions.setDirty(()) self.Probabilities.setDirty(()) self.ProbabilityChannels.setDirty(()) def createExportTable(self, roi): if not self.Predictions.ready() or not self.Features.ready(): return None features = self.Features(roi).wait() feature_table = OpObjectExtraction.createExportTable(features) predictions = self.Predictions(roi).wait() probs = self.Probabilities(roi).wait() nobjs = [] for t, preds in predictions.iteritems(): nobjs.append(preds.shape[0]) nobjs_total = sum(nobjs) if nobjs_total==0:"Prediction not run yet, won't be exported") return feature_table else: assert nobjs_total==feature_table.shape[0] def fill_column(slot_value, column, name, channel=None): start = 0 finish = start for t, values in slot_value.iteritems(): #FIXME: remove the first object, it's always background finish = start + nobjs[t] if channel is None: column[name][start:finish] = values[:] else: column[name][start:finish] = values[:, channel] start = finish pred_column = numpy.zeros(nobjs_total, {'names': ['Prediction'], 'formats': [numpy.dtype(numpy.uint8)]}) fill_column(predictions, pred_column, "Prediction") joint_table = rfn.merge_arrays((feature_table, pred_column), flatten = True, usemask = False) nchannels = probs[0].shape[-1] columns = [feature_table, pred_column] for ich in range(nchannels): prob_column = numpy.zeros(nobjs_total, {'names': ['Probability of class %d'%ich], \ 'formats': [numpy.dtype(numpy.float32)]}) fill_column(probs, prob_column, 'Probability of class %d'%ich, ich) columns.append(prob_column) joint_table = rfn.merge_arrays(columns, flatten = True, usemask = False) return joint_table
[docs]class OpRelabelSegmentation(Operator): """Takes a segmentation image and a mapping and returns the mapped image. For instance, map prediction labels onto objects. """ name = "OpToImage" Image = InputSlot() ObjectMap = InputSlot(stype=Opaque, rtype=List) Features = InputSlot(rtype=List, stype=Opaque) #this is needed to limit dirty propagation to the object bbox Output = OutputSlot() loggingName = __name__ + ".OpRelabelSegmentation" logger = logging.getLogger(loggingName) def setupOutputs(self): self.Output.meta.assignFrom(self.Image.meta) self.Output.meta.dtype = self.ObjectMap.meta.mapping_dtype def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): tStart = time.time() tIMG = time.time() img = self.Image(roi.start, roi.stop).wait() tIMG = 1000.0*(time.time()-tIMG) for t in range(roi.start[0], roi.stop[0]): tMAP = time.time() map_ = self.ObjectMap([t]).wait() tmap = map_[t] # FIXME: necessary because predictions are returned # enclosed in a list. if isinstance(tmap, list): tmap = tmap[0] tmap = tmap.squeeze() if tmap.ndim==0: # no objects, nothing to paint result[t-roi.start[0]][:] = 0 return result tMAP = 1000.0*(time.time()-tMAP) #FIXME: This should be cached (and reset when the input becomes dirty)") tMAX = time.time() idx = img.max() if len(tmap) <= idx: newTmap = numpy.zeros((idx + 1,)) # And maybe this should be cached, too? newTmap[:len(tmap)] = tmap[:] tmap = newTmap tMAX = 1000.0*(time.time()-tMAX) #do the work thing tWORK = time.time() result[t-roi.start[0]] = tmap[img[t-roi.start[0]]] tWORK = 1000.0*(time.time()-tWORK) if self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() >= logging.DEBUG: tStart = 1000.0*(time.time()-tStart) self.logger.debug("took %f msec. (img: %f, wait ObjectMap: %f, do work: %f, max: %f)" % (tStart, tIMG, tMAP, tWORK, tMAX)) return result def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi): if slot is self.Image: self.Output.setDirty(roi) elif slot is self.ObjectMap or slot is self.Features: # this is hacky. the gui's onClick() function calls # setDirty with a (time, object) pair, while elsewhere we # call setDirty with (). if len(roi._l) == 0: self.Output.setDirty(slice(None)) elif isinstance(roi._l[0], int): for t in roi._l: self.Output.setDirty(slice(t)) else: assert len(roi._l[0]) == 2 # for each dirty object, only set its bounding box dirty ts = list(set(t for t, _ in roi._l)) feats = self.Features(ts).wait() for t, obj in roi._l: min_coords = feats[t][default_features_key]['Coord<Minimum>'][obj].astype(numpy.uint32) max_coords = feats[t][default_features_key]['Coord<Maximum>'][obj].astype(numpy.uint32) slcs = list(slice(*args) for args in zip(min_coords, max_coords)) slcs = [slice(t, t+1),] + slcs + [slice(None),] self.Output.setDirty(slcs)
[docs]class OpMultiRelabelSegmentation(Operator): """Takes a segmentation image and multiple mappings and returns the mapped images. For instance, map prediction probabilities for different classes onto objects. """ name = "OpToImageMulti" Image = InputSlot() ObjectMaps = InputSlot(stype=Opaque, rtype=List, level=1) Features = InputSlot(rtype=List, stype=Opaque) #this is needed to limit dirty propagation to the object bbox Output = OutputSlot(level=1) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OpMultiRelabelSegmentation, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._innerOperators = [] def setupOutputs(self): nmaps = len(self.ObjectMaps) for islot in self.ObjectMaps: op = OpRelabelSegmentation(parent=self) op.Image.connect(self.Image) op.ObjectMap.connect(islot) op.Features.connect(self.Features) self._innerOperators.append(op) self.Output.resize(nmaps) for i, oslot in enumerate(self.Output): oslot.connect(self._innerOperators[i].Output) def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi): pass
[docs]class OpMaxLabel(Operator): """Finds the maximum label value in the input labels. Special operator for object classification labels, expects inputs to be in a dictionary """ name = "OpMaxLabel" Inputs = InputSlot(level=1,rtype=List, stype=Opaque) Output = OutputSlot() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OpMaxLabel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.Output.meta.shape = (1,) self.Output.meta.dtype = object self._output = 0 #internal cache def setupOutputs(self): self.updateOutput() self.Output.setValue(self._output) def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): result[0] = self._output return result def propagateDirty(self, inputSlot, subindex, roi): self.updateOutput() self.Output.setValue(self._output) def updateOutput(self): # Return the max value of all our inputs maxValue = None for i, inputSubSlot in enumerate(self.Inputs): subSlotLabelDict = self.Inputs[i][:].wait() for v in subSlotLabelDict.itervalues(): subSlotMax = numpy.max(v) if maxValue is None: maxValue = subSlotMax else: maxValue = max(maxValue, subSlotMax) self._output = int(maxValue)
class OpBadObjectsToWarningMessage(Operator): """Parses an input dictionary of bad objects and bad features, and sets an informative warning message to its output slot. """ name = "OpBadObjectsToWarningMessage" _blockSep = "\n\n" _itemSep = "\n" _objectSep = ", " _itemIndent = " " # the input slot # format: BadObjects.value = { # 'objects': # {img_key: {time_key: [obj_index, obj_index_2, ...]}}, # 'feats': # set() # } BadObjects = InputSlot(stype=Opaque) # the output slot # format: WarningMessage.value = # {'title': a, 'text': b, 'info': c, 'details': d} if message available, the keys 'info' and 'details' might be omitted # {} otherwise WarningMessage = OutputSlot(stype=Opaque) def setupOutputs(self): pass def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi): try: d = self.BadObjects[:].wait() except AssertionError as E: if "has no value" in str(E): # since we are in propagateDirty, the input got reset or we got disconnected, either case # means we don't have to issue warnings any more return # don't know what this is about, raise again raise warn = {} warn['title'] = 'Warning' warn['text'] = 'Encountered bad objects/features while training.' warn['details'] = self._formatMessage(d) if len(warn['details']) == 0: return self.WarningMessage.setValue(warn) def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): pass def _formatMessage(self, d): a = [] try: keys = d.keys() # a) objects if 'objects' in keys: keys.remove('objects') s = self._formatObjects(d['objects']) if len(s) > 0: a.append(s) # b) features if 'feats' in keys: keys.remove('feats') s = self._formatFeatures(d['feats']) if len(s)>0: a.append(s) if len(keys)>0: logger.warning("Encountered unknown bad object keywords: {}".format(keys)) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Expected input to be a dictionary, got {}".format(type(d))) return self._blockSep.join(a) def _formatFeatures(self, f): try: a = self._itemSep.join(map(str, sorted(f))) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Expected bad features to be a set, got {}".format(type(f))) if len(a)>0: a = "The following features had bad values:" + self._itemSep + a return a def _formatObjects(self, obj): a = [] indent = 1 try: # loop image indices for img in obj.keys(): imtext = self._itemIndent*indent + "at image index {}".format(img) indent += 1 # just show time slice if more than 1 time slice exists (avoid confusion/obfuscation) needTime = len(obj[img].keys())>1 b = [] # loop time values for t in obj[img].keys(): # object numbers c = self._objectSep.join(map(str,obj[img][t])) if len(c)>0: c = self._itemIndent*indent + "Objects " + c if needTime: c = self._itemIndent*indent + "at time {}".format(t) + self._itemSep + self._itemIndent + c b.append(c) indent -= 1 if len(b)>0: a.append(self._itemSep.join([imtext] + b)) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("bad objects dictionary has wrong format.") if len(a)>0: return self._itemSep.join(["The following objects had bad features:"] +a) else: return ""