# ilastik: interactive learning and segmentation toolkit
# Copyright (C) 2011-2014, the ilastik developers
# <team@ilastik.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
# ilastik give you permission to combine ilastik with applets,
# workflows and plugins which are not covered under the GNU
# General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file for details. License information is also available
# on the ilastik web site at:
# http://ilastik.org/license.html
from __future__ import division
import os
import glob
import argparse
import collections
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import vigra
from lazyflow.utility import PathComponents, isUrl, make_absolute
from ilastik.applets.base.applet import Applet
from opDataSelection import OpMultiLaneDataSelectionGroup, DatasetInfo
from dataSelectionSerializer import DataSelectionSerializer, Ilastik05DataSelectionDeserializer
[docs]class DataSelectionApplet( Applet ):
This applet allows the user to select sets of input data,
which are provided as outputs in the corresponding top-level applet operator.
DEFAULT_INSTRUCTIONS = "Use the controls shown to the right to add image files to this workflow."
def __init__(self, workflow, title, projectFileGroupName, supportIlastik05Import=False, batchDataGui=False, forceAxisOrder=None, instructionText=DEFAULT_INSTRUCTIONS, max_lanes=None, show_axis_details=False):
self.__topLevelOperator = OpMultiLaneDataSelectionGroup(parent=workflow, forceAxisOrder=forceAxisOrder)
super(DataSelectionApplet, self).__init__( title, syncWithImageIndex=False )
self._serializableItems = [ DataSelectionSerializer(self.topLevelOperator, projectFileGroupName) ]
if supportIlastik05Import:
self._instructionText = instructionText
self._gui = None
self._batchDataGui = batchDataGui
self._title = title
self._max_lanes = max_lanes
self.busy = False
self.show_axis_details = show_axis_details
def getMultiLaneGui( self ):
if self._gui is None:
from dataSelectionGui import DataSelectionGui, GuiMode
guiMode = { True: GuiMode.Batch, False: GuiMode.Normal }[self._batchDataGui]
self._gui = DataSelectionGui( self,
self.show_axis_details )
return self._gui
# Top-level operator
def topLevelOperator(self):
return self.__topLevelOperator
# Project serialization
def dataSerializers(self):
return self._serializableItems
[docs] def parse_known_cmdline_args(cls, cmdline_args, role_names):
Helper function for headless workflows.
Parses command-line args that can be used to configure the ``DataSelectionApplet`` top-level operator
and returns ``(parsed_args, unused_args)``, similar to ``argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_known_args()``
Relative paths are converted to absolute paths **according to ``os.getcwd()``**,
not according to the project file location, since this more likely to be what headless users expect.
.. note: If the top-level operator was configured with multiple 'roles', then the input files for
each role can be configured separately:
$ python ilastik.py [other workflow options] --my-role-A inputA1.png inputA2.png --my-role-B inputB1.png, inputB2.png
If the workflow has only one role (or only one required role), then the role-name flag can be omitted:
# python ilastik.py [other workflow options] input1.png input2.png
See also: :py:meth:`configure_operator_with_parsed_args()`.
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
if role_names:
for role_name in role_names:
arg_name = cls._role_name_to_arg_name(role_name)
arg_parser.add_argument('--' + arg_name, nargs='+', help='List of input files for the {} role'.format( role_name ))
# Finally, a catch-all for role 0 (if the workflow only has one role, there's no need to provide role names
arg_parser.add_argument('unspecified_input_files', nargs='*', help='List of input files to process.')
arg_parser.add_argument('--preconvert_stacks', help="Convert image stacks to temporary hdf5 files before loading them.", action='store_true', default=False)
arg_parser.add_argument('--input_axes', help="Explicitly specify the axes of your dataset.", required=False)
parsed_args, unused_args = arg_parser.parse_known_args(cmdline_args)
if parsed_args.unspecified_input_files:
# We allow the file list to go to the 'default' role,
# but only if no other roles were explicitly configured.
arg_names = map(cls._role_name_to_arg_name, role_names)
for arg_name in arg_names:
if getattr(parsed_args, arg_name):
# FIXME: This error message could be more helpful.
role_args = map( cls._role_name_to_arg_name, role_names )
role_args = map( lambda s: '--' + s, role_args )
role_args_str = ", ".join( role_args )
raise Exception("Invalid command line arguments: All roles must be configured explicitly.\n"
"Use the following flags to specify which files are matched with which inputs:\n"
+ role_args_str )
# Relocate to the 'default' role
arg_name = cls._role_name_to_arg_name(role_names[0])
setattr(parsed_args, arg_name, parsed_args.unspecified_input_files)
parsed_args.unspecified_input_files = None
# Replace '~' with home dir
for role_name in role_names:
arg_name = cls._role_name_to_arg_name(role_name)
paths_for_role = getattr(parsed_args, arg_name)
if paths_for_role:
for i, path in enumerate( paths_for_role ):
paths_for_role[i] = os.path.expanduser( path )
# Check for errors: Do all input files exist?
all_input_paths = []
for role_name in role_names:
arg_name = cls._role_name_to_arg_name(role_name)
role_paths = getattr(parsed_args, arg_name)
if role_paths:
all_input_paths += role_paths
error = False
for p in all_input_paths:
if isUrl(p):
# Don't error-check urls in advance.
p = PathComponents(p).externalPath
if '*' in p:
if len(glob.glob(p)) == 0:
logger.error("Could not find any files for globstring: {}".format(p))
logger.error("Check your quotes!")
error = True
elif not os.path.exists(p):
logger.error("Input file does not exist: " + p)
error = True
if error:
raise RuntimeError("Could not find one or more input files. See logged errors.")
return parsed_args, unused_args
def _role_name_to_arg_name(cls, role_name):
arg_name = role_name
arg_name = arg_name.lower()
arg_name = arg_name.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_')
return arg_name
def role_paths_from_parsed_args(cls, parsed_args, role_names):
role_paths = collections.OrderedDict()
for role_index, role_name in enumerate(role_names):
arg_name = cls._role_name_to_arg_name(role_name)
input_paths = getattr(parsed_args, arg_name)
role_paths[role_index] = input_paths or []
# As far as this parser is concerned, all roles except the first are optional.
# (Workflows that require the other roles are responsible for raising an error themselves.)
for role_index in range(1,len(role_names)):
# Fill in None for missing files
if role_index not in role_paths:
role_paths[role_index] = []
num_missing = len(role_paths[0]) - len(role_paths[role_index])
role_paths[role_index] += [None] * num_missing
return role_paths
[docs] def convertStacksToH5(cls, filePaths, stackVolumeCacheDir):
If any of the files in filePaths appear to be globstrings for a stack,
convert the given stack to hdf5 format.
Return the filePaths list with globstrings replaced by the paths to the new hdf5 volumes.
import hashlib
import pickle
import h5py
from lazyflow.graph import Graph
from lazyflow.operators.ioOperators import OpStackToH5Writer
filePaths = list(filePaths)
for i, path in enumerate(filePaths):
if not path or '*' not in path:
globstring = path
# Embrace paranoia:
# We want to make sure we never re-use a stale cache file for a new dataset,
# even if the dataset is located in the same location as a previous one and has the same globstring!
# Create a sha-1 of the file name and modification date.
sha = hashlib.sha1()
files = sorted([k.replace('\\', '/') for k in glob.glob( path )])
for f in files:
stackFile = sha.hexdigest() + '.h5'
stackPath = os.path.join( stackVolumeCacheDir, stackFile ).replace('\\', '/')
# Overwrite original path
filePaths[i] = stackPath + "/volume/data"
# Generate the hdf5 if it doesn't already exist
if os.path.exists(stackPath):
logger.info( "Using previously generated hdf5 volume for stack {}".format(path) )
logger.info( "Volume path: {}".format(filePaths[i]) )
logger.info( "Generating hdf5 volume for stack {}".format(path) )
logger.info( "Volume path: {}".format(filePaths[i]) )
if not os.path.exists( stackVolumeCacheDir ):
os.makedirs( stackVolumeCacheDir )
with h5py.File(stackPath) as f:
# Configure the conversion operator
opWriter = OpStackToH5Writer( graph=Graph() )
# Initiate the write
success = opWriter.WriteImage.value
assert success, "Something went wrong when generating an hdf5 file from an image sequence."
return filePaths
def configureRoleFromJson(self, lane, role, dataset_info_namespace):
assert sys.version_info.major == 2, "Alert! This function has not been tested "\
"under python 3. Please remove this assetion and be wary of any strnage behavior you encounter"
opDataSelection = self.topLevelOperator
logger.debug( "Configuring dataset for role {}".format( role ) )
logger.debug( "Params: {}".format(dataset_info_namespace) )
datasetInfo = DatasetInfo()
datasetInfo.updateFromJson( dataset_info_namespace )
# Check for globstring, which means we need to import the stack first.
if '*' in datasetInfo.filePath:
totalProgress = [-100]
def handleStackImportProgress( progress ):
if progress // 10 != totalProgress[0] // 10:
totalProgress[0] = progress
logger.info( "Importing stack: {}%".format( totalProgress[0] ) )
serializer = self.dataSerializers[0]
serializer.progressSignal.connect( handleStackImportProgress )
serializer.importStackAsLocalDataset( datasetInfo )
opDataSelection.DatasetGroup[lane][role].setValue( datasetInfo )