================================== Appendix: Development Dependencies ================================== .. note:: The easiest way to build the ilastik development environment on any platform is to use conda. The necessary steps are explained in the `ilastik-build-conda `_ repo. General ======= * boost-python * libjpeg * libtiff * libpng * fftw3 * hdf5 * Qt4 * Vigra * VTK, compiled with the following options: * VTK_WRAP_PYTHON * VTK_WRAP_PYTHON_SIP * VTK_USE_QT * VTK_USE_QVTK_QTOPENGL Python ====== * Python 2.7 * PyQt4 * argparse * numpy * h5py 2.1 * psutil * greenlet * blist * wsgiref * qimage2ndarray * vigranumpy * Yapsy Ilastik Sub-projects ==================== * lazyflow * volumina Development =========== * CMake * python-distribute Testing ======= * nosetests